Thousand Gardens |||
Thousand Gardens
A Path Unclear Music from 2024. Released on May 31, 2024. You can purchase it digitally or on CD via Bandcamp. Free listening available on the site. You can also May 21, 2024
A Path Unclear May 21, 2024 Music from 2024. Released on May 31, 2024. You can purchase it digitally or on CD via Bandcamp. Free listening available on the site. You can also Releasing Music as an Indie May 21, 2024 I am not on a label, and many other artists follow the path of releasing music themselves. There are many services available that allow musicians to Sleep April 29, 2024 My first EP, Sleep, was released at the tail end of 2024. As fall came early in my area, the colder temperatures and shorter nights led me to Overgrowth April 29, 2024 My first album, Overgrowth, was released in September of 2023 and is a collection of music created throughout the year. Most songs are named after Announcement April 26, 2024 New album coming soon